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How to reduce the risk of skin diseases?

The skin is the largest organ in the body and therefore constitutes the first line of defense against external aggressions such as pollen, parasites, and wounds. It is a particularly sensitive organ that must be taken care of.

It is estimated that around 16 million dogs and 15 million cats in Europe suffer from skin disorders, making it one of the main causes of veterinary consultation. Contrary to what many pet owners think, in more than 90%** of cases, the skin condition is not linked to a food allergy.

The symptoms of skin problems are varied and numerous: red skin, animal scratches, hair loss, bad odor, oily skin, scales, ear infections, dry skin, lack of shine, localized hyperpigmentation of the skin…

Although the cause of skin disorders varies, the most common causes are environmental allergies (such as pollen, grass, dust mites, and fleas) and atopic dermatitis.

In all these situations, nutrition plays an important role: if the right nutrients are provided, they will help rebuild the skin and hair. In addition, poor quality nutrition is often the cause of a dull coat and heavy shedding.

How to reduce the risk of skin disease in dogs and cats?

If you suspect that your dog or cat is suffering from a skin disease, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian promptly. But although skin disorders occur regularly, there are many ways pet owners can prevent them.

The first thing to do is to protect your cat or dog from parasites such as fleas, ticks and scabies, by administering one or more antiparasitics.

Next to that, your veterinarian can prescribe a specific shampoo: these high-quality shampoos promote skin hydration, strengthen the skin barrier, have an antiseptic effect and help reduce the inflammatory response.

Finally, diet plays a very important role: if your pet has a dull coat, the right nutrition can restore its shine. Also, it can participate in the reconstruction of the skin. To do this, ensure you provide quality food that provides the right nutrients in the right quantities: Omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids (methionine, phenylalanine), minerals (copper, zinc) and vitamins (A, E, B, biotin). Treatsy Skin & Coat supplements provide a high concentration of essential nutrients for the skin and coat.

Important to remember is the importance of the omegas. Although the essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are both important for an animal’s health, a correct balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 is crucial. For example, too much Omega-6, which has a pro-inflammatory effect, and too little Omega-3, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, can lead to various health problems. For example, too much Omega-6 can worsen skin diseases. Extensive research conducted in the United States by the National Research Council (NRC) has resulted in a recommended ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 of 2.6:1 to 26:1, and the ideal ratio is around 6:1 or 7:1.

Most commercial foods contain ratios of Omega-6 to Omega-3 greater than 20:1. For technical and economic reasons, manufacturers use many cereals and vegetables in their recipes, which have a high concentration of Omega-6. It is also technically more difficult to add Omega-3 to industrial food: too much oil would make the kibbles too greasy or too brittle. For this reason, it is often recommended to supplement the daily diet of dogs and cats suffering from skin conditions with high quality natural oils rich in Omega-3, such as Treatsy’s functional oils.

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van hoge kwaliteit

Een hoge concentratie aan actieve ingrediënten, vrij van graan en kunstmatige kleur- en smaakstoffen.


Geformuleerd door dierenarts-nutritionisten en aangeraden door dierenartsen.

100% recycleerbare

In volledig en oneindig recycleerbare metalen verpakkingen.

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de Europese Unie

Volledig in Europa vervaardigd en verpakt.


Did you know?

The impact of nutrition on the health of dogs & cats is considerable!

During their lifetime, most dogs and cats will be fed the same type of food. Thus, offering quality complementary foods to your pet can positively impact its general health.